Mises Wire

Congratulations Dr Kraus !

Congratulations Dr Kraus !

Wladimir Kraus, a former Rowley Fellow at the Mises Institute, successfully defended his doctoral dissertation “Essays on Reisman’s Net Consumption Theory of Profit and Interest” yesterday at the University of Aix-Marseille in southern France.

Dr Kraus probably wrote the first PhD dissertation ever on George Reisman’s important treatise Capitalism (1996). He highlighted and developed many theoretical and practical implications of Reisman’s theory, ranging from national accounting over the analysis of the business cycle to perennial topics such as the income multiplier.

The committee included (from right to left) Prof. Philippe Maître, Prof. Pierre Garello, Prof. Renaud Fillieule, and yours truly in the traditional gown reserved for such occasions.

Dr Kraus has also just published Engineering the Financial Crises (with Jeffrey Friedman) and is the co-editor of Critical Review. He can be reached via his website.

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